
Hey! My name is Abhishek and I used to do comedy open mic in Mumbai. I had faced so many difficulties in finding a perfect place to perform in Mumbai. But I don’t want you guys to also face such difficulties. So, here I am ready with my list of top 5 Comedy open mic in Mumbai.

Do you also feel like when you watch a YouTube video of your favorite Comedian cracking jokes in front of the audience and wonder “where should I go to watch a live show of my favorite comedian?” Or wonder “what if I can also get a chance to perform at the same stage”. Then what are you waiting for?

Pack your bag and tie up your shoes because Toplisters is here with a list of top 5 Comedy open mic in Mumbai, where you got a chance to perform in front of an audience, and who knows, maybe you are also going to be the next Big Comedian?

Here’s the Top 5 Comedy Open Mic in Mumbai

comedy open mic in mumbai

(5/5) The Habitat


You must have seen so many YouTube videos of poets and comedians performing there. The Habitat is one of the best places to attend Comedy Open Mic in Mumbai and also they do so many live shows. They make sure there are a limited number of seats so the place won’t be crowded and the entertainment you get is worth every penny you spend.

You can find some amazing gigs here and pre-book them. This place is surrounded by good cafes and pubs where you can enjoy amazing food and drinks with your friends and it is easily commutable right opposite to the Khar station.

(4/5) That Comedy Club – Bandra


That Comedy Club is also a good platform for young comedians. That Comedy Club is famous for its solo shows; they have done more than 100 solo shows in past years. You must have seen so many professional comedians performing here in YouTube videos.

Overall, it’s a good option for a new comedian. You can check the open mic dates on their website. The vibe is just right for laughter and smiles, never a dull moment. Located superbly. Multiple shows every week, the nicest people at the venue. The space lives, breathes, exudes comedy.

(3/5) The Cuckoo Club


The Cuckoo Club is a nice small comedy and theater performance outlet. Good to catch good open mics of great artists and even has a great theatre. The outlet is a little cramped for space but is well run and managed by a good and polite staff. The food is a bit overpriced but the overall ambience is nice. Missing ‘Breakfast and Bad Jokes‘ since this place has been closed for some time! It is one of the best places to attend Comedy Open Mic in Mumbai and also they do so many live shows.

[Related Post: Comedy Open Mic for Beginners in Delhi]

(2/5) Standup Labs


Standup Labs is a professional comedy club and it is one of the best places to go to watch and perform Comedy Open Mic in Mumbai. You must have seen so many YouTube videos of Comedians doing live shows here. There is a small cafeteria area outside the main studio, you can drink coffee there and have starters.

The main studio has a sitting capacity of approximately 30-35 people. Mostly, you can go and watch improv comedy. You’ll get a good vibe with rooms filled with people laughing. You can watch and perform comedy just by contacting the club by visiting their site and book your spot just on a phone call. They host open mics 3-4 days every week.

(1/5) Comedy Ladder


Comedy Ladder is also a very good place to watch and perform stand-up comedy. Maybe you haven’t seen so many videos of Comedians on YouTube, but all the comedy circuit artists do shows here almost every weekend. It has a capacity of only 30 people. There is a cafe on the second floor you can order from there. Although this place is quite underrated.

These are the top 5 best places Comedy Open Mic in Mumbai. Although there are lots of open mics that are host by different clubs at different locations and times, these places will provide you some great experience.

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